What in the hell is going on with Hams being in OMG, THE SKY IS FALLING PANIC mode over LoTW being down.
This May 2024 event has people acting as if their ASSES are on fire. Damnit people, get a grip. If THIS is what you are worried about... LIFE IS GOOD!!!
AND... all you damn experts on security... you make me laugh my ass off! Just STOP!!!
ARRL will resolve this. LoTW will be better at some point ... and life will go on...
What are you worried about?
What you DOLTs should be worried about is this thing coming up called a Presidential Election! Well..
THAT is worth your ass going into panic about. If ANYONE thinks "things are OK"...you better check yourself and take a shot of reality instead of being a nay sayer.
So...for the love of God and all things sacred......
Just relax... take meds if you have to because you may be a weak individual... and do something constructive like learn another language.... mow the grass again... do some upkeep to your home... HECK!!! I got it!!!... CLEAN YOUR DAMN SHACK UP!! You KNOW it needs it!!! Hams are mostly pigs... So ... just better yourself... AND better the country by VOTING responsibly in NOVEMBER!!!
Worlds best Elmer and Life Coach!
Jose - N4BAA
Giddy up!