Wednesday, April 22, 2020

FT8 and OTHER Digital Modes

Hello Ham Radio Sport Fans!!!

This morning, I decided to finally chime in on FT8 and other digital modes.

There are some hams who do not consider FT8 a "ham radio mode" or even being a valid "value added" ham radio definer. I say, "Who are they to judge"?

I have touched on this just a little bit in previous blog postings, but I think there is some value in just making sure we are all on the same page OR AT THE VERY LEAST.... agree to appreciate the "digital offering".

Case in point:

Just because I eat steak 3 times a week, should not be a platform for some tree hugging liberal "vegan" or "vegetarian" to start ripping my diet apart! Oh no! They can eat what THEY want to eat...and I of course will continue to eat what I want to eat. Isn't that they way it is supposed to be?

Now... IF they choose to "TRY" my steak and don't like it.... then by all means...don't eat it anymore. BUT...if they like it... then they may change their mind about steak all together and eat it more often.

My point is, there are different modes AND Freqs for different people! Isn't that OK? Shouldn't that be OK with everyone? Why not? You go to a smorgasbord and only eat want you want right? No one puts a little of EVERYTHING on their plates!! I think you get the picture!

Remember, ... the next time you hear a ham talking about how much they LOVE FT8 or ANY other digital mode... IT'S OK! Matter of fact, it is better than that....! It's awesome! The more people in our enjoyment of Amateur Radio the better!

So... be an advocate for ALL MODES and support others who may not enjoy the exact modes and freqs you do! Heck I LOVE contesting, DXing, BIG ASS ANTENNAS, but there are a BUNCH of people who shy away from all of those things... That's OK...

For me... Learn them ALL.. Embrace them all, support everyone in Ham Radio, be a good Elmer to someone... and for GOD's sake......



Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter 2020 Thoughts

Hello and Happy Easter,

2020 Easter is a far different Easter than ever before; HOWEVER, one still must be thankful.
I had a friend ask me how I can be "thankful" in a current world of people dying all over the world due to COVID 19. Well, I started out by saying this is a far different Easter than ever before right? Well, yes it is.

20,000 + Americans have passed already due to this ailment; however, I have to ask you to put your "intelligence" hat on for a moment.

The ONLY reason people are 'AWARE' of these deaths is because the news media is "super-hyping" it up. Do YOU know how many people died THIS past year due to the 'common flu'? …….
Ok, I'll fill you in.... More than 30,000 people died of a virus that we have a SHOT for, and yet, the majority choose NOT to get it. Why? I'll digress.... But think about that some times.

Is COVID 19 worse than the flu? The 'experts' say it is... OK! So it is. When it is all said and done...and 70,000 folks pass due to it, at the end of the day, it is what it is. We will learn from it and move on. Get over it. I am not being insensitive, just realistic.

People die everyday from Cancer, veteran suicide, domestic violence, but yet, the 'media' chooses not to cover those?

Keeping politics OUT of Ham Radio...all I will say is that it is an election year... Now do your damn research and turn OFF the news media. Be smart....and NOT a puppet.


Logbook of the World.

Why are so many on the anti-LoTW wagon? There are a lot of hams who are OK with supporting eQSL … and yet not LoTW… why? There are now more LoTW users than eQSL by a good margin.
AND....if you do eQSL ...for the love of God, at least support LotW.

Now, if you are resistant to both...then by all means do not support either one... but not one or the other. Be respectful of other who may just NEED your QSL confirmation. Why should YOU dictate what manner they must get it?

If you are a DX station who gets money for your can still ask for your $2 or $3 dollars before you upload to LoTW...but at least offer it. To NOT support eQSL AND LoTW is doing an injustice to hams all over the world.

IF you want to collect hard QSLs....that is OK.... I am too, but I support the electronic versions as well.

Ham radio offers something for everyone who wants to enjoy the experience. We should ALL strive to offer the maximum number of ways to confirm that contact no matter what we have to do. If you do not, then yes, you are NOT doing your part.

So... get off your butt and sign up for LoTW… it IS easier than you think!

73 and Happy Easter!
"Mr. DX"