Saturday, October 12, 2024

FT8 has CREATED Very Bad Operators

 NEWSFLASH: FT8 has allowed Ham Operators skills to decline!

I am a fan of FT8 because it invites more into our hobby....BUT... man has it created a class of ham that are idiots...

WHY in the BLUE HELL would you be calling a station you cannot possibly hear? How do I know this? Because IF YOU ARE TXing ON THE SAME SEQUEINCE AS THE DX STATION... 'YOU' CANNOT HEAR THEM! This is a fact...  SO....

To save YOUR reputation (making the assumption you give a crap about that)... DO NOT CALL ANYONE unless you can COPY them! People will STILLSCREW THIS UP.... 

I would COACH you to be the best operator you can possibly be... What if you were called upon to MENTOR someone (God forbid for some of you)? Would you be a good "model" for them to emulate? Maybe not! But we ALL have an OBLIGATION to operate correctly. SO... like Nike said...


Coach out



 Every time I hear ex-friends speak about how they believer Kamalah-lah Harris is a good choice for president, it makes me feel so much smarter! 

How can anyone with any kind of common sense (least common of the senses), think that this pathetic excuse for a human, will do anything different than she has done for the past 3.5 years as an absent VP, but for her career. She is where she is because of her black female status. THAT is NOT the way it works. But you can believe what you want. 

I am not a 100% Trump Train "Bubba", but I DAMN sure want what is best for the PEOPLE of the US. NOT the illegals...not those who do not belong here or those who do NOT like the US...but for the PEOPLE. I gave 23 years of my life serving to protect and defend (and did) against all ENEMIES foreign and domestic.. and Kamalalah and frankly ALL LIBERALS are in fact BAD for ALL of us. 

You cannot defend liberals in any way that is rational. Impossible.. Try it.....

Also.. I understand in Politics you are allowed to lie... that does not make it right! ...for either side..but is making an emotional decision worth you getting "phucked" again by the liberals?

Black America - Wake the hell up! What has ANY Dem President really done for you OTHER THAN demand you vote for them for ZERO support back? Congrats...YOU are being used! Dems love that.... 

My Hispanics - Glad you are waking up. WE came here legally, as did our parents. Why should others be allowed to circumvent the system and be handed benefits? Why do we allow them to screw up our country? They DO NOT BELONG HERE. I 100% REJECT ALL illegal immigrants no matter where they are from. Do it the right way AND ... you have to benefit the US when you come may NOT be allowed to go on wall fare which is what the DEMOCRATS desire.

Others - If you came here legally....I welcome you and thank you for entering our country of laws! If you come here illegally... I wish only the worse for you and your family. 

This is my America and I although NOT born here... this is my home. It is my family's home as well! Why do you think I appreciate this fact more than MOST Americans? Because "I" KNOW first how MUCKED up the rest of the world is and "I" KNOW how to be thankful for what we have here.

If you are a sleeping American thinking this will all go away ... I laugh in your face... WAKE THE HELL up and understand the consequences for allowing IDIOTs to run the coutry.

My EDUCATED voting friends... THANK YOU... YOU GET IT... and YOU are the reason WE STILL CAN TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK....

Now... let's get back to Ham Radio stuff.... my self therapy is complete for today... 

I need to turn off ABC, NBC, CBS and MSNBD (THE ANTI AMERICAN FUCKTARDS of the world)... and thank GOD for those other News outlets that at least lay it out for your weight...

NEWSMax, FOX NEWS and One American News!!!  

Class is over.. Hope you learned something about yourself and you will change it...

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


 Watching TV regarding the 2024 election is enough to make ones stomach turn.

For the life of me, I cannot believe America is so full of as many IGNORANT people.

Regardless of your political orientation, IF you put your pom poms down and forget this is not a sporting event, AND REALLY look at what is at stake.... THAT is when you notice in FULL FORCE how UNEDUCATION AMERICA really is....  FOLKS...get your heads out of your asses, take a deep breath and do a PHUCKING BUSINESS case out of the facts and data!

What are the problems?

1. Border security

2. Illegal immigration

3. Violent Crime

4. Abortion

5. Racial / ethnic equality.

OK, start with that list (add your own if you have any that matter)... and pretend you are hiring a person to fix those issues.....  Kamalalah H. and Donald J. Trump. 

Read their resumes....  and conduct your interview...  ... 

OH wait... you have data that suggests they have had the job before and you have that data too!! WOW...

OK.. lQQk at the DATA... (data is not emotionally driven btw...).. what do you see America?

Kamalalah: created/supported border issue by purposely breaking the law to let these ILLEGALS in.

DJT: Had the most secure border and processes in place.

Kamalalah: The QUEEN of ILLEGAL immigration and is in fact breaking the law.

DTJ: Was appreciated / is appreciated by hispanics (like me) to NOT support illegal immigration. There is no place for it period.

Kamalalah: Appears to be disconnected from reality re: Violent crime and has the BIDEN / HARRIS administration's DOJ turning a blind eye and NOT locking people up who break the law. 

Reminder: We are a nation of laws. Follow the damn law at all costs. 

DJT: Supports cops and the law. 

Kamalalah: Like almost all Democrats, wants Roe v Wade back. Folks ... WE may not like the decision, but having the states control this is where it belongs, in the hands of the people of the states. This is not a national / federal issue. READ the constitution. Roe V Wade was faulty (and arguably not legal) from the beginning. 

DJT: Supports the constitution and the right for people in each state to make their own decision. 

Note: If you support killing babies... then you need to examine your OWN Morals. Is there a time when abortion is a necessity? YES! Rape, incest and mother's health...100% THAT is part of what is in the states' consideration...DUH... STOP spinning this... Remember ... facts matters.

Kamalalah: DEI BS / racial equality. Really? What have the Dems done to support this? Historically, they have politically RAPED minority communities and used them like hookers just for their vote. BS! 

DJT: Supported ALL Americans, regardless of color to provide them the best wages of any president. Remember, facts count...look it up ...don't trust my word for it.  DJT has pulled people together to BETTER the USA...not divide it. 

NOW...during your interview of the candidates, Kamalalah refuses to answer your direct questions, avoids addressing any concern you have directly related to the job you are interviewing her for. She DOES however let you know she is 'different' and that she will change things and make them better. She tells you all those things above are broken and we can't allow things to remain the way they have been (HER WORDS NOT MINE BTW)....  How does this make you feel? Is THIS candidate who you would hire? and oh yeah... you remember on her RESUME, SHE is ACTUALLY IN THIS POSITION YOU ARE INTERVIEWING FOR... She just wants to keep her job/position... SO you has ask her about it. Mrs. Kamalalah... how is this different than the way you ARE ALREADY RUNNING THINGS?... ZILCH...NOTHING...AVOIDANCE... DISRESPECTFUL in NOT answering the QUESTION.... Hmmmm

DJT: gives you examples of how he ran things when ...OH WAIT... Referring to his RESUME, he used to have this position before... X Y and Z on details etc...  Has a successful track record ... hmmmm  

You are done! Interviews over... 

Do you hire the candidate that demonstrates simply HOPE and CHANGE? FOLKS...Hope and CHANGE are NOT strategies...they are nothing more than PHUCKING FLOWERY NON-ACTION words... EMPTY BS. Positivity does not make things better, ACTIONS do. 

SO... if you still want to vote DEM in are in fact entitled to that right...but it doesn't make you right, in defines YOU as part of the problem. IF you vote DEM in 2024 you may as well spread your legs and let the LIBERTAL DEM party have their way with you again and again....but if you do vote DEM in 2024, do NOT COMPLAIN ONE PHUCKING BIT ABOUT WHAT YOU GET...  It will NOT be good... in will kick yourself in the ass for voting DEM again... and bitch bitch bitch... and guess what .....?

You will do it again...because your gray matter has not evolved any further than a caveman's. Pathetic way to not grow balls and just DO THE RIGHT THING for AMERICA instead of allowing your weak ass emotions get in the way... THAT is why you will fail in life... 

I am an educated voter...right down the middle...but MY EYES are wide open and I SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING... and I will VOTE accordingly whether I like the candidates presented or not (and I don't)...but it is a NO BRAINER ....  What are YOU going to do? Do the right thing?... or simply DO what YOU want regardless of doing the right thing?

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


 What in the hell is going on with Hams being in OMG, THE SKY IS FALLING PANIC mode over LoTW being down.

This May 2024 event has people acting as if their ASSES are on fire. Damnit people, get a grip. If THIS is what you are worried about... LIFE IS GOOD!!!

AND... all you damn experts on security... you make me laugh my ass off! Just STOP!!!

ARRL will resolve this. LoTW will be better at some point ... and life will go on... 

What are you worried about?

What you DOLTs should be worried about is this thing coming up called a Presidential Election! Well.. 

THAT is worth your ass going into panic about. If ANYONE thinks "things are OK" better check yourself and take a shot of reality instead of being a nay sayer. 

So...for the love of God and all things sacred......

Just relax... take meds if you have to because you may be a weak individual... and do something constructive like learn another language.... mow the grass again... do some upkeep to your home... HECK!!! I got it!!!... CLEAN YOUR DAMN SHACK UP!! You KNOW it needs it!!! Hams are mostly pigs...  So ... just better yourself... AND better the country by VOTING responsibly in NOVEMBER!!!

Worlds best Elmer and Life Coach!

Jose - N4BAA

Giddy up! 

Wednesday, April 3, 2024


This week, I had yet another "coaching" opportunity related to DX Clusters! 
Yep! You know where this is going right?... 

Well this whole back and forth you are going to read below is with Rick, WB6JCT... a "fine" gent from the GREAT state of CALIFORNIA.... 

Let's continue shall we?... <Smiling>

Well, this 'gentleman' thought it "OK" to use the DX Cluster as a "chat room" to as VP6ML to "point your antenna to USA" or something similar. UH... What? 

Anyway...  You know me... and yes, I sent the guy this email:.... 


When you use the DX Cluster as a “chat room” you are setting off alarms all over the planet.

Would have been better to email her directly… She responds quickly and doesn’t monitor clusters for “messages”. 

No mal intent on my part, just pointing out a behavior which is not good. 


What I expected to get back from this "gent" was something like I have received from 99% of others over the past 2 decades. .... "....oh thank you. I was not aware my actions caused this DX cluster chaos and I thank you. I'll spot at the bottom edge of the band from now on or not at all. 73....."

THAT would have been gentlemanlike, the "norm" and very respectable....

But is that what I got? Oh no! This 'west coast' (what appears to be moneybags..... )... took "offense" to my 100% accurate accounting of his personal actions and this dude FLIPPED OUT...and tripped a carotid artery.  

This was his exact response:

...."Too bad! everybody does it and they do see the messages! Dxpeditions monitor the cluster!

Perhaps you should go after the idiots that ask for QRS...GO SLOWER BECAUSE THEY ONLY COPY CW SLOWER THAN 5 WPM!!



Well shiver me timbers and BLOW ME DOWN!!! WOW.. Such filth from a DXers mouth.. <smiling>...

This is not, was not, nor even close to a DXPEDITION... so WTH are you referring to? I digress oh livid one!

So...being a consistent good "coach", I wrote him back:

Good morning Rick, 

In no way was I disrespectful to you, but I obviously hit a nerve.

You are correct, they are ALL wrong to do so…BUT their “intent” is truly good…

But they don’t understand the “negative” unintended consequences of their actions.
99% of them, once I “coach” them, “see” the light and are grateful for the ‘learning” experience.

If you just can’t fight the urge to ‘chat’ on DX Clusters… then at least spot at the bottom of the band where it is safe to do so (if you must)…
21.000, 14.0000, 28.000 etc… then, the DX Cluster software won’t post it as a spot…

 And… just because everyone does it… doesn’t mean they should, right?

 I have taken action on my end to add you to the list of those spotters who I don’t rely on, but I continue to address this issues daily to educate others.

 I am sorry this affected you the way it did.


Well, at this point you would have thought we could have found some common ground and moved on to pleasantries... OH NO!! Mr. "Cali" wasn't about to go there yet.. .

His response...

... "Their you go! Block my spots so u don't see them anymore! What hit your NERVE Buddy?? PERHAPS you need to Learn more about FILTERS! Then you won't  have to PLAY CLUSTER COP ANYMORE!"


Well, at least now he is attempting to get 'technical' and mention FILTERS... Hmmm maybe I could add a "dumbass" filter to accomplish this same intent? Nah! To much fun... so I continued back to him... 

My background is psychology and I have learned so much from you, your parents (upbringing)  etc.

Nothing hit my nerve at all. Just have to take action so as not to be bothered by those who don’t desire to improve their operating…
I would “guess” you don’t have a very high DXCC or WAZ total, so things I am discussing with you are very foreign to you.
I’ll leave you alone and sorry to have elevated your blood pressure…
Enjoy your week Rick.


At this point, I was extremely worried about Rick's health. I am thinking, " Man, how has this guy gotten through life with an attitude like this"? ..and then I reminded myself where he lives... Hell! This might be normal at there! LOL...

So, at this juncture, I noticed an incoming email from Mr. Rick and what came through was AB-SO-LUTE-LY NON-Gentleman like! And on what account? ... Just because "chat room Rick" didn't like being reminded of "how" to use DX clusters? just because you can does NOT mean you should "Amigo"....

Hide the women and children and read Rick's response.... 






Well I never heard such filth coming from a ham's mouth! Whew! Sweet Baby Jesus! Easter time... BOY...what are you thinking... Definitely not a Catholic... LOL...

Well you would think that Rick made it VERY clear to himself that he over-reacted, but like Santa Claus at the end of his night.. .you just KNOW Mr. Rick HAD TO get THAT LAST parting CHANT/RANT in....  and this is what he chose to end with....



<Crowd applauding and giving Rick a standing ovation>.... 

Man!!!! I love this guy... right? NOT.. but that is not important...

ALMOST sounds threatening doesn't it? I better double up on my ammo and install 20 MORE cameras.... 


Jose N4BAA - Best Coach in the world (at almost everything btw).. but I specialize in good behavior, being respectful, etc....  gave this some momentary reflection and summarized this ...uh..interaction with this "gentleman" as this...

Personally.... "I" assume the best in everyone (ham's included)...  until they go and MUCK it up... and guess what Mr. Rick did? Yep! You got it! He MUCKED it up... 

He single-handedly destroyed his "learning moment". A keen opportunity to 'better' himself and even better, yet I say, ... "hone" his DX Cluster "Non-chatting" specialization. But alas....  he will continue... 

How do I know this? Come on Rick... I already told you what my background is... what? 
What's next? 

Well, After chewing on (and laughing absolutely hysterically over this whole ordeal....)..

I have decided to post on my blog and to reach out to the area clubs in his area (LA County CA), and let them be the judge of him. Regardless of his reasoning,....

<Pause for prayer.....>

"There will never be an acceptable substitute for doing the right thing to maintain my integrity".

That is BAA verse 3:11 in case you are wondering!!!


Until next time BLOG and DX wanna be fans... 

Keep loving and keep laughing.... 

Best Coach in the world and DX God....... N4BAA

See Rick if you want to see MY DXCC and WAZ totals.... 

I already KNOW what YOURS are!!!!

I am like the shadow..... "HE KNOWS EVERYTHING".....

Need to check out the DX Clusters for "Violations"

Coach out!








Thursday, February 8, 2024


 The mere number of dumb asses who "say" they "think" our Boy Scout Leader Biden and his phucking administration is doing a good job are the exact people who have no idea what is going on in the world. 

They do not watch the news... 

They have ZERO ..hell, LESS than ZERO about current events...

They cannot locate major countries on a map.... 

They do not seek to understand for them themselves...

Why? Because they are Sheep. Pathetic sheep. I do not know one single modern day democrat that doesn't have their heads stuck 1.3 million feet up their own asses. They should all die of lead poisoning if there is any justice at all.

But we still allow these jackass wasteful excuses of humans to have a say so in who should be in charge of MY country! I served in the US NAVY for 23 years and kept these idiots safe. They got off scott free. Bastards ALL of them.

Democrats are cheats.. they are ruthless fecks that have ZERO purpose in life. It is my 'opinion' that I am very surprised some lunatic has not gone off the rails to paint red dots and crosshairs on them all. Crazy world right?

At the end of the day... NON-Democrats will take OH SO MUCH joy in being able to witness the demise of the democrat world.. Social media is for idiots too, but THAT is where the truth will come out and once this SHITHEAD BIDEN is out of office.. the tables will turn and his hell, fire and wrath will come back to him 10 fold.. .his family will be punished...he will FINALLY DIE... and the world will be a better place... 

I can't wait until that day.. ANYONE is better than almost any DEM that could be put in to office. ALMOST... ... BUT the truth will come out...and every lawyer....every crooked judge...every person who aided this deseased group of humans should burn on this earth AND in hell where they will end up... 

EDUCATE yourselves in what is going on ... put your biases aside and just SEE what is in front of you.

If you cannot see what is REALLY going on... then you too may be part of the problem.... Are you a sheep? There are a lot of you... and You CAN change... but you have to SEE reality first... or you are doomed as well.... 

I can say these things because I used to be one of you... until I woke up and I will NEVER GO BACK. I will not be used or raped again... I will defend myself and my family from the democrat jackals and if given the chance....eradicate them all as I do every cayote and crap dog out there...

The choice is yours.... VOTE THESE PHUCKTARDS OFF THE PLANET!!! 

Saturday, April 8, 2023


 Having served in the military for 23 years and honorably retired, I have to say how pissed off I am at the total lack of leadership, almost at every level, of our government, beginning with our Boy Scout Leader, inept Mr. Biden and his cartoon sidekick Mrs. Harris. A bafoon and a baboon that have no business leading anyone. 

Folks, this is what happens when UNQAULIFIED people are asked to do things outside their skillset. Not only do they SUCK, they don't even surround themselves with smart people. What is even worse, is the sheer number of misguided Americans ( and non Americans) who allow (and probably want) themselves to be TOLD what to do and think. How crazy is this country right now. Why ANY of them are still "vertical" is beyond me. 

I am now convinced we are a nation of mostly dumbasses! Those who cannot come to grips with reality that you have to get off your ass, learn something useful that allows you to contribute to society, work hard, and build YOURSELF up, take care of your family....wash, rinse and repeat. These handouts need to stop!...and stop now!  If you want to be a bum or human waste, then so be it. Don't put it on others who are successful. Equity and  equality? Bull crap! Everyone has the same opportunity....most choose not to take it because their moms and dads were losers and... THAT is bad DNA! Better find a way out of that hole. 

Folks, bad days are coming if Americans don't shut down the damn border and start waking up to reality that the Left AND far left mentality is about to push it up your butts. WAKE UP! To do nothing is JUST LIKE watching a family member be raped in front of you and you doing nothing. Is that the type of person you are?

I am NOT saying vote republican...I AM saying vote NOT FAR left. These policies do NOT work, have never worked, and WILL NEVER work. Are YOU smart enough to admit it? Put your BS political views aside and JUST DO THE RIGH THING FOR OUR ( at least MY) country. I have 23 years of my life defending your lazy asses, so do ME one favor and THINK about where we are going.... as a country and DO SOMEHTING ABOUT IT!!!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Ham Radio Humanity Lost

 Listening to 3Y0J on 15M CW and 30M CW today was embarrassing. 

It is clear to me that Ham Radio Humanity has been lost! The endless deliberate QRMing of Bouvet was uncalled for, needless, childish and NOT what ham radio's "Good Will" is 'supposed' to be.


Is it because the "no code" morons are trying to drive 3Y0J to FT8? Nope! They just don't know better. They are ignorant. They are clueless. They are pathetic... and yes...they are not good operators. But, the sad fact is, "They don't give a damn either"! They are the type of operators that are merely that... just "Operator". They obtained a license by "memorizing" questions, did NOT NOT NOT have an Elmer that would kick their ass for acting they way they are, and straighten them out.

I pray I do not EVER find out who is doing this crap, because "I" will "assume" the role of 'executioner" myself. You will not have to do anything. I promise you! 

For everyone else, do your part and talk about this madness at your clubs, in your circles, with anyone who will listen and let it be known that THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. OWN it!!

We will all be better for it! This IS NOT THE LAND of CB RADIO! WE should ALL be better than this.

But just like we all all know...  CW is king!... CW "IS" the mode you can count on!... CW 'WILL' get through <smiling> ...and yes... I did work them through all that madness and chaos. 

I didn't need Bouvet on CW but I did need them on 30M, so thanks team for the Band Counter!

Now...go out and represent Ham Radio well! We are ALL ambassadors of our hobby. Be a good one. 

73 and good hunting!

Jose - N4BAA

CQ WAZ Manager and WAZ Ambassador