Wednesday, November 25, 2020

LoTW vs eQSL

 A fellow ham asked me today, "Why do you do LoTW, eQSL, ClubLog etc"? Why not just pick one?

Well, THAT is a great question, so let me "Splain" it to you Lucy...

If you are fishing for Brim (shell cracker or whatever you call a Brim)... and they like worms, bread, crickets and flies? Which do you use to catch them? ..... Uh... all of them work right? But... on some days they may like one over the other...

Guess what? LoTW or eQSL ... (let's stick to those)... are NOT like fish. There IS a difference...

Your mileage may vary; however, if you do NOT support both, then you are NOT supporting your fellow ham community. 

LoTW AND eQSL both count for awards, but both do not count for ALL awards! 

eQSL does NOT count for ARRL DXCC or WAS  but it DOES count for WAZ. 

So, no matter what you are chasing.... award wise, why would not support both so everyone can get what they need /want.

Consider signing up for both! BOTH are easy to get done!

If you need help, drop me a line and I'll help you get it done!




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