Sunday, February 13, 2022

ARRL FIELD DAY ---- (ARRL says it is not a contest).. Yeah PHUCKING RIGHT!!!

 The ARRL in the infinite "Bone-Head" wisdom, has finally killed off my participation after 44 years!

They claim this is NOT a contest! So... why keep score? Why have bonus points? Why?

Because the ARRL's Leadership, or lack thereof, has succumbed to ineptitude and a disconnect from "Ham Reality". They, in my mind, are a bunch of  mid-guided peons perpetuating what the league has done for years, which is just do what they want....with zero common-sense. Congrats "A-holes"... You win the prestigious "I don't give a crap award". 

Face it, Say FD is a contest or it is not. Get on the same page and make a decision.

If it were not for the LoTW program, I would pay THEM to let me out! I hate them with every ounce of being I have.  Oh, I long for the good ole days when they 'cared'.

Let's hope they figure it out!

73 and to hell with the ARRL.



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