Friday, May 7, 2010


Where have all the good operators gone? Why today, more than ever, we have amateur radio operators who's actions prove they have not intentions of operating with any sort of ethical or moral directions.

One could safely argue that the ease of obtaining a license now has greatly contributed to Ham Radio's delinquency! The fact is that before the licensing process was "relaxed" or "dumbed down", those interested in obtaining a license actually had to study and work hard to understand what it is they were getting in to. I know dozens of hams who do not even know how to make their own dipole antenna due to NOT knowing the formula....or even desiring to learn how. They simply memorized a bunch of questions, shook the crackerjack box, and POOF.... out rolled the license. I understand the hobby was lacking "new blood", but IN BAA's opinion, their solution is WOEFULLY INADEQUATE in addressing those already in the hobby, and the preservation thereof of a WONDERFUL HOBBY.....

Let's face it, you will never be able to tell the right thing to the wrong operator.....but WE ALL HAVE AN OBLIGATION to call out those in error. Operating OUT OF BAND is not a STYLE of operating is a RULES violation! Tuning up on a frequency with someone on not an operating is a VIOLATION!

Not knowing how to operate split, operate your own radio, spot incorrectly, use DX Clusters as chat rooms, not knowing how to use new Software, not CARING about what kind of operator you are.....ARE NOT OPERATING STYLES....but rather is SHAMEFUL!

There is always a "learning curve" no matter what you do. But for god's sake, learn the right way, and teach someone else to do the same. If your integrity doesn't mean SQUAT to you....then take up bowling, bridge, hacky-sack, or something similar. But do not taint the waters by contributing to the madness.

People..... the ham bands have become an abomination of chaotic trash! CW READERS, poor ops, hams complaining about propagation, lack of antennas, power, good QTH...etc..... It is amazing to this writer how "bitchy" some...NOT ALL...hams can be....

For those who still get a thrill out of actually "TUNING" around the ham bands and getting excited about where the station is your are listening to.....listening to great CW.... or looking up in an Atlas where someone is..... WE are a dieing breed.

It is getting harder and harder to compete with the internet..... and today's technology...... but at the end of the day.... I still look out my window as I sit and operate, and just marvel at the towers and those beautiful aluminum antennas that so majestically sit atop them....and am thankful for the many who have contributed to my HAM SPIRIT.... Something I try to share everyday hopes of perpetuating my love affair and enjoyment with a hobby that has so much to offer.

CARE...about ham radio....
CARE...about how you operate.
CARE...about what others think of you... do the right thing... learn something new every day about the hobby....
CARE...about the future of our hobby...

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