Sunday, May 2, 2010


Listening to what I call "PIG FARMERS" on 75M has gotten out of hand!
Tonight I heard not only a W5...but a WB8 using the same phonetic!...
Not only "Please Copy"...but also "Come Back" as the ending of their transmission.....


This is not 11 meters.....and I do NOT NOT NOT care that our Amateur Radio numbers are growing BECAUSE these "dolts" think it OK to use this GARBAGE!

When one travels to a foreign AT LEAST TRIES ....aka attempts to speak the language..... AMATEUR RADIO has NO NO NO place for people who feel this "language" is appropriate or "ok" to use.....

IF any of you are ELMERS ....or know ELMER....OR EVEN know of ANYONE using this "CB" talk....PLEASE ask them to stop.... if they do not...... yank their voice box out....
"PLEASE COPY" and "COME BACK" are hard as hell to send using CW.....

OH...wait....MEMO TO SELF....they probably DON'T KNOW CW!!!!! DAMN!!!

So....placing drive in "neutral" for a moment and actually will be more realistic....
Let me re-read the above....QRX.....

I see I may have been a little harsh and seems I am speaking to those who do not subscribe to this "woefully inadequate" jargon......

So I will close with a statement to those I may have offended with my thoughts on properly operating in VOICE...aka SSB mode.......

To anyone who does not utilize proper phonetics and or insists on using "country CB talk".....


If you care to call pigs to dinner....
Or you are yelling for someone to hurry up and use the outhouse......
Or someone in your family is hard of hearing ...and NEED to yell.......
Or you are not willing to at least TRY to do the right thing...when operating on VOICE......

Then sell your radio......
Cut your mic cord........
(And if you use this crappy "CB" jargon on RTTY or PSK (or both).... yank your Sound card and or TNC out of the frame......
And if you already know CW....then go for will be allowed to operate....
If you don't know CW...LEARN it! will be a better ham for it.....
If you don't care to learn CW......Well....

Just take up another hobby like cross stitching or fishing....That way one has to listen to this crap that has permeated the ham bands and driving good ops....
Well...FREAK'N nuts!

Copy that?.....Come back

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