Sunday, May 2, 2010


There comes a time in everyone's ham hobby career when people who seem to be 'assisting' and "Elmering" ....well, become something less that we expected. AND...the reverse can also be true when those whom you are trying to assist and get pointed in the right direction,.....well,....fall off the wagon, bump their heads, and become darn right vicious!

Recently, I had the latter come to fruition! What a moron this dolt turned out to be!
A high powered money making machine of a business man....who has more money than sense.... who decides at some point to finally do things 'the right way'..... starts dropping cash like trees in the fall.... only to find out the operating "talent package" was not needed....and that high dollar equipment would make up the difference or "delta" in what he lacked in experience.

Man! When an ex CBer takes up our hobby, and doesn't know how to operate or act ....that is expected.... But when someone who has never been a CBer...acts like a CBer....THAT ALONE should have been a warning sign enough to just gather the women and children and just RUN AWAY! I did not listen to my instincts...and have sense been whacked by the hand of Morse himself into concluding FAR TOO LATE.....that...:

You can never say the right thing or do the right things for those who are not willing to listen....AND...

You can never say the WRONG thing to those who ARE willing to listen and apply experiences from others in efforts to better themselves.

Another lesson I recently learned from this same individual..... is....

Friends become vicious enemies when money comes between them! Bet the house AND farm on this one folks. If someone says, "Take your time and repay me when you can...." and if that time frame for repayment isn't EXACTLY spelled can bet that same house AND farm that they will want it sooner than you would have expected to pay it back.... Sounds pretty simple doesn't it? Not really.... Just believe me!.... .....

For those hams who are in need of ELMERing.... GET ON IT! Volunteer your time, knowledge, coax...what ever it takes to lead them in the right direction....

If they are not willing to listen because they feel to high and MIGHTY ..and perhaps above the average HUMAN..... just politely ask for coax back...and leave the knowledge with them to chew on .....they will eventually DIGEST it .....or they will CHOKE it on! Either have done the best you could!


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