Tuesday, May 4, 2010


If there is one thing that really gets my goat, is the lack of "quality" ELMERS!
There aren't enough hams willing to teach the new guys/gals the "correct" way to operate!
I don't mean to imply there is an N1BAA way of doing things (there really is...but that is another book...not BLOG)... but rather there "IS" a correct way to operate!...Again!...not "my" opinion but FACT!

With the NO CODE hams upgrading..( and there is nothing wrong with that)...but leave that CB talk in the 11 Meter band where it belongs.... HAM RADIO is NOT CB!!! So phrased like, "Roger Roger," and "Come back," as well as the "Please Copy" have zero, zip, nada, zilcho....no way José place in ANY part of Amateur Radio! Read my lips....NONE! SO ...just don't do it...to do so....puts you in the TRASH opeartor...aka VERY POOR operator category...or ...you guessed it ....LID!

Learn the right way to operate and THEN go teach someone else how to do it...

Rules of engagement for amateur radio operator are:

  • Never call a station without knowing what their call sign is!
  • Unless you are hard of hearing and I mean almost deaf, NEVER USE A CODE READER....and if you DO use a code reader....NEVER spot what your "machine" copied...it is probably wrong anyway!
  • If you drink lots of Rum and Cokes or beer during a contest...the a code reader is ok..but you are not allowed to submit your score!! HI HI...only kidding.....about the drinking and contesting....CODE readers are still O-U-T!!
  • If you don't know how to operated SPLIT....READ YOUR MANUAL or call me...I will tell you how.......DARN shame to even OWN a radio and NOT know how to operate split!
  • If you own ANY PIECE of EQUIPMENT and you don't know how to set it up yourself OR operate it....SELL IT!!! People who own horses and don't know how to CORRECTLY SADDLE it .....are also mandated to sell it!....or shoot it!! They are great eating too!
  • If your antennas stay up more than 18 months...they are NOT big enough!
  • Anything under a 40 foot boom is a peanut whistle!! Only kidding..my 6M yagi is only on a 35 foot boom...oops
  • If you are tired of the small lot you live on...and want to improve your situation.....A FOR SALE SIGN IS JUST FOR YOU!!!! Move or quite complaining.....
  • If you live on a 80x100 lot and want to hear better on 80 and 160....refer to previous rule!!! ( I did and don't regret it!) 5 acres is still not enough for 14 beverages and loops!!!
  • If your wife doesn't like your hobby....get rid of her or go bigger so she'll leave you!
  • If you can't climb a tower....find someone who can and GO UP UP UP!
  • If you don't QSL...shame on YOU! You are NOT a real ham!
  • If you don't use LOTW..... you are light years behind those who are!
  • If you complain about how expensive our hobby is....try rock collecting....
  • When you do something to enhance your station....do it right the first time and get the very best....then never worry about upgrading! If your wife doesn't like it....you know the answer...
  • If your call starts with KU#, change it...there are no good KU# calls!...NONE
  • If you don't chase the CQ WAZ award and consider yourself a DXer...SHAME on you...you are not...you are a DXer-light...real DXers who want a challenge chase zones!
  • If you think making DXCC Honor Roll is a HUGE achievement...you are kidding yourself....ANYONE with a coat hanger and time can achieve that....Try 5BWAZ or WAS on 80 or 160M RTTY!!!
  • If you don't operate 6M...you should!.....
  • If you go to DX Club meetings and all you do is eat eat eat and talk just about ZERO about REAL DXing......it may as well be a PITA Club or Poker Club....because REAL DX Clubs talk about DXing....not "nothing to report"!!!!
  • If you operate CW and don't care about what your fist sounds like.....SHAME ON YOU!
  • IF you don't operate CW.....you should.....ESPECIALLY if you consider yourself a DXER..
  • KNOW CODE hams rule the roost.
  • Low band DXing is only for the strong willed!!! ( I love low band DXing)
  • If you don't belong to a TOP NOTCH CONTESTING CLUB......Try it!! There is nothing like it...
  • If you don't belong to YCCC, move so you can! (see the rule about a FOR SALE SIGN)...
  • If you own a vertical antenna and don't have 100 radials under it...SHAME ON YOU....
  • If you operate RTTY and do NOT OWN AN ICOM with TWIN PEAK FILTERS..YOU are missing out.... Nothing like it on the planet for copying RTTY signals.....NOTHING!
  • If I have offended you....don't come back...(But I bet you will).

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